In Response to Binance.US

2 min readMar 15, 2023


Dear Jasmy Community Members,

On behalf of the Jasmy official team, we would like to announce the news regarding the delisting of the Jasmy trading pair on Binance.US. First of all, we express our disappointment and regret for this decision, especially since there was no prior communication with us about the delisting. We understand that this may cause some inconvenience to our community members; however, please rest assured that you can still find other exchanges to continue trading Jasmy on our official website at

Despite this, we will maintain close communication with Binance.US, continuously promoting Jasmy’s core plans and development roadmap concerning Data Democracy and the Internet of Things (IoT). We firmly believe that Jasmy’s philosophy and technological advancements will bring significant value and change to the entire industry, and we will strive to demonstrate our long-term commitment and development potential to Binance.US.

In the meantime, we kindly ask our readers to continue following the Jasmy ecosystem. We will remain transparent and promptly update you on our progress. We highly appreciate your support and trust and will continue to provide you with the latest and most valuable information. We will keep to advance Jasmy 2023 roadmap, striving to achieve its goals. Recently, the Jasmy Grant project submission channel has been officially launched, soliciting innovative ideas from all walks of life. Let us work together to strengthen the Jasmy ecosystem and create more value for our community.

Lastly, we would like to thank you once again for your ongoing support of Jasmy. Please continue to believe in us, as we uphold our original intentions and work hard to achieve the integration of Data Democracy and IoT technology, driving the development of the industry. Let’s join hands and create a better future together!

Stay tuned, and thank you for your attention.

Jasmy Official Team




We aim to realize a Data Democracy by building a decentralized, democratic world where data is protected as inherently owned by each individual.